Coaching School Membership

We have developed this special invitation-only membership programme for schools we have worked with over a period of time in developing a PURE Coaching approach to benefit staff wellbeing, professional development and leadership impact.

The membership package provides a hub of coaching resourcescascade tools for your internal use, networking opportunities with other members and group supervision sessions to keep your school’s coaching practice alive, evolving and highly effective.

You will be entitled to use all our materials internally to grow your culture, and display a “Leadership Edge Coaching School” logo on your website.

Become our ongoing partner while you continue to embed your school coaching culture.

7 Parts


We are really excited to have you join our Coaching Schools Membership over the next 12 months.

Cascade Materials

Here you have a selection of documents to help you maintain oversight and momentum while embedding your coaching culture.

Reading Library

A library of useful books and texts to support you throughout the Membership.

Case Studies

Examples of coaching culture development and growth using the Leadership Edge 3-tier coaching accreditation model. 

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